_____By Aranna Hasan Delwar.
When I stand facing time with childhood memories - then I am a full man!
I have a heavy burden of responsibility on my shoulders!
I am like a queen, ignoring the sun and rain and the storm
Run to duty.
Joy the city playing in my eyes!
I cultivate the flowers and crops of love there every day.
Every day I dream with both hands, I dream again. However, I never kept track of when I sold my dream.
Sometimes I'm very sad, it's hard!
But no one has the ability to carry the load.
I am also sadh! with the grass as a butterfly,
To mix with leaves.
But fatigue gripped! Duty chased me back,
I run far and wide as a telescope.
The full moon shines across the sky,
Nocturnal animals fly in the wind.
And I! Look for the meaning of life standing tall like a banyan tree.
How long I could not sleep!
Eyelids throbbing with pain,
These days I feel the smell of burning meat!
I know! As soon as my ability disappears
My infirmities, infirmities, shall blossom,
And that day, this society will throw me away like a rotten corpse!