I also want someone to love me.
____By Aranna Hasan Delwar.
I also want someone to love me
wait for me
May time find me.
Someone hold my hand and tell me
This hand will never leave.
I also want to be the apple of someone's eye
To be someone's bangle
Someone hug me and tell me
There is no peace like this chest.
Someone stay awake for me day and night
Let's go out to find the morning light
Someone write a love letter to my address.
I also want to put my head on someone's chest
Lost in the land of sleep
Let someone's lips touch my lips
I want to drown in the water
Someone call my name.
I also want someone to be proud
I'll kiss you for breaking standards
Someone will turn red with shame.
I also want someone to love me.
©Aranna Hasan Delwar.