___By Aranna Hasan Delwar.
Well, aren't you that sensible woman? Seen at the railway station?
Maybe it will be thirty days.... Urmimala said the name,
I stood for the train;
If you look into the eyes, what is it that you are hiding?
Thirsty - those words of strange language!
When I go to read silently in my mind-
The wind from the south blew the dam,
The black hairs fell all over the face.
While I gather all the crushed letters one by one,
With a sound - the train came with a whistle,
crowded people,
No more reciting on that journey.
Mriyabhashi Nayanbhasha.
Coincidentally today is again-Thursday.
I met at the bus stop.
Do you work? Do you return home at the end of the week?
Tell me, miss, who are you?
Do you live alone? What do you say?
Miss will be Mrs. What is wrong? Forgive;
Dammit, two people, he doesn't care, I'm a fool-
Since when is Bakchi alone;
I am also a very sweet boy, I talk a little more.
bohemian, very lonely
In the soft room of the bottomless chest - I live alone, alone.