Love Trap
______By Aranna Hasan Delwar.
I did not foretell any storm in Chaitra's farewell to the arrival of Baisakh.
Clouds did not darken the sky, rain water did not come down to the ground.
But I smell very old air
The smell that used to drive me crazy.
Who came to my door after so long?
When I opened the door, I saw that there was no one.
I never had anyone anywhere.
My spring was never as colorful as the rainbow
The Palestinians were like fallen walls.
Someone brought all the colors of the world
In my oiled life
I painted it with my own hands
All the walls of my life.
My eyes were dreaming of a blue house
Unaware of everything.
My black and white life could not bear the excess of color,
So one dark morning
He took all the light of my life.
Why did you come, why did you leave?
I was faced with a question,
I still don't have the answer.
I burn with loneliness with an empty heart
Trying to bring back the old me
When I had no one anywhere,
There was no account of suffering, suffering, not getting anything
I was a lonely man
Life was passing away as a companion of pure time.
©Aranna Hasan Delwar.