----By Aranna Hassan Delwar.
Worker's blood is formed in exchange for flesh
vast empire,
Rows of dead bodies standing on foundations
This capitalist society is the state
How many more deaths will be counted.... one, two,,,,three.
The ongoing war in the name of peace,
Screams of oppressed, hungry and helpless people
The masked people sitting in the seat of power,
does not reach the ear canal.
A group of ghouls tear into the gentleman's mask
The soft body of the mother,
Drunken with drug frenzy
Golden dreams of future generations,
The maps today are riddled with missiles and rocket launchers.
The clear water of the calm river is flowing silently with the color of human blood.
The meeting organized for peace and welfare ended with the charm of Sarab Kabab,
Jumping like a hyena with the taste of burnt meat
Falling upon innocent fools,
Dharani was shaken by the loud noise of planes and tanks
The sleeping earth wakes up with the touch of fresh hot blood.
By sending relief for the injured, crippled, destitute people
The group of demons took the role of great servants.
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©Aranna Hasan Delwar