______By Aranna Hasan Delwar.
Every time I want to cross the threshold of the house and touch the sky
Just then someone pulled back.
The sky is forbidden to me
My place is inside the four walls
That is my world.
I want to be a bird, I want to fly around the world
I want to know too
How does the giant giant stand on the ground facing the sky?
How do people go to the moon, what is in space?
I want to dive in the open air
I will soak my feet in the drops of dew on the green grass
I will stand in the water of the sea and watch the sinking sun.
But society is ignorant of me
Wants to stay inert,
Steamroller over me
That fixed it for me.
I too will break the chains of women and conquer the world.
I can explain.
© Aranna Hasan Delwar