Fear of Disappearance
_____By Aranna Hasan Delwar.
Like the light of a newborn sun,
The beginning of life's journey was bright,
But as time passed,
All the light faded away.
Clouds of darkness came,
Drawing curtains of silence,
On my path, there's only the fear of getting lost
And an entire sky of suffocating stillness.
I have set myself on a path of loss,
As if I were told to lose.
I was supposed to be lifted by a helping hand,
But within the bonds of promises,
I was broken.
In my own way,
The light of my life has become
A flickering glow that fears extinction,
Like a streetlamp burning weakly
On a quiet midnight road.
The light on the path has dimmed,
Now there's only a torrent of darkness,
A distant fading
And endless despair.
I am being subdued,
My wings are broken,
The light on my path is extinguished
Into deeper darkness.
I wanted to walk hand in hand,
But even within promises,
My dreams are shattered.
The light of life is now faint
In the depths of stillness,
A light that is constantly being extinguished
In a wave of fear.
In the storm of life, a flickering light
Barely manages to stay aglow,
But within that light, you can see
Only darkness extending into the distance.
Now I am losing my way
Into the silence,
Waiting for a new light
That might never come.