By Aranna Hasan Delwar
I will be your moon face! If you are my friend.
Ignore this world society and I will give you love.
A sudden closeness will miscarry in your fragile heart
Open love will fly in the girl's eyes.
I will give you a heart as white as the sky,
I will give you the frenzy of love like the waves of the sea.
You stay deep in my chest! Go barefoot! I will quench your hunger with the rhythm of the swallow.
You give me love or not, what's the difference?
I will give a handful of light to the silent darkness,
I'll be a fan of pain, I'll be drooling in depression,
I will be the two bars of peace to your heart.
You are the last possession of a beggar! If you don't give happiness,
But reach your final destination in tears.